

Products: FiberSigma TP-2 Two Point Bending Test System

The two-point bend test method is an extremely convenient and commonly used technique for determining strength and fatigue parameters of optical fibers, especially for high-strength fibers, and it is now widely used in the fiber optic manufacturing and fiber optic testing fields.

The two-point bending method can generate a large amount of data for testing the strength and fatigue of optical fibers with different coating layers.

The two-point bend test method involves placing a ring of optical fiber bent more than 180 degrees between two parallel platens with grooves cut into the platens to hold the fiber in place. The platen is moved by a computer-controlled stepper motor translation table (at a set constant rate). When the fiber is broken, the stepper motor is stopped by an acoustic detection looper, and the computer software calculates the fiber fatigue and related data from the platen spacing.

Fiber Optic Manufacturing


Research Institutes