

Products: EXFO ELS-50 Light Source

Helping you stay within budget while meeting your daily testing requirements. Accurately measure signal attenuation during fiber optic cable installations with these worry-free, easy-to-use handheld testers.

Easy-to-use interface for error-free testing

Interchangeable connectors for best-in-class flexibility

Cost-effective, rugged and highly reliable

Ideal for premises network testing and troubleshooting

Can be used as a stand-alone device or as a multifunctional test set that

Includes all required accessories (adapters, carrying cases, etc.)

Five test kits designed for specific user/testing needs.

LAN, Outdoor, Contractor, FTTH and CATV

Center wavelength (nm): 

1310 ± 20 \ 850 +10 \ 1550 ± 20 \ 1490 ± 10 \ 1300 +50 -10 

Spectral width: (nm) single-mode ≤ 5, multimode 40/120  

Output power (dBm): single-mode greater than -4, multimode greater than -24 (see technical data) 

Power stability (dB) 8 hours : ± 0.10 

Battery life (hours) : 60 

Enable automatic wavelength recognition  

Audio generation (Hz) : 270, 1 k, 2 k 

Weight: 0.4 kg

Link loss qualification