Linpu was honored as an excellent agent of Sumitomo Japan

2021-07-16 5612


Limp Glory Hour 2021.07.07


In July, Hulunbeier's sky is as clear as washed, with layers of white clouds and vast green grass, so when you walk in this world, you can truly experience the vast mood of "the sky is pale, the wild is vast, and the wind blows the grass low to see cattle and sheep", which is praised by the world as the "Green Pure Land"!


In this beautiful city and beautiful season, the annual meeting of Sumitomo Electric Japan agents was held as scheduled.


We all reviewed the "real mouse is not easy" 2020, and also full of hope for the "cattle turn Qiankun" 2021!


As always, Limp has won the honor of excellent agent with the first sales ranking. This honor is full of the unremitting efforts of every Limp person; every user's trust in us, and also full of the factory's support to us.


We would like to sincerely thank everyone who has helped us, because of you, we can be fearless!